Wednesday night at dinner, Wesley requested a haircut. Todd declined due to the fact that he had far too much on his plate for the evening as it was (and not his dinner plate). Wesley stated a desire to learn to do it himself anyway, since he won't be able to depend on Todd forever (Wesley's reasoning). As with most things, Wesley's idea of "learning" to do something, is not asking for direction and then listening carefully, perhaps even taking notes. No. Wesley learns from mistakes. A fact that brings much worry to his parents. Whatever task Wesley takes on, he just goes for it... helter-skelter and with arms akimbo (first use of that word, Tara! Go me!) Personal haircutting was no exception. He came charging hysterically into the living room with a towel over his head exclaming, "I HAVE TO FIX THIS!!!" After much coaxing, the towel came down to reveal a patchwork of bald spots, scattered randomly about his somewhat oversized melon. Laughter ensued. There was yelling, begging, crying, laughing and general covorting over Wesley's new do... and this was only Wesley's reaction. Needless to say, Todd did stop what he was doing to "fix" Wesley's hair. All he could really do was shave it off. He gave it the closest shave possible without going "bic"... and there are still some patches of hair shorter, where Wesley had hacked into it!
I asked him after school what type of reaction his hair got, and he said "I got mixed results." He said some people said it looked good, others offered him hats. He wore a borrowed beanie (how do you spell that?) all day until track practice, where he sported a bare head in an effort to tan his scalp. When I picked him up he was wearing a tattered old straw hat that Coach Campbell gave him, supposedly for PRing in two of his events. Mmm-Hmmm. She just didn't want to see the glare off his head, I bet.
So all I have left is a question and a lesson:
The Question: Why, oh why, would you take a razor willy-nilly to your own hair, when -in your own words - "I didn't know how the clippers worked!" 3 months before you graduate???!!!
The Lesson: If your dad says "no", screw it up yourself so he has to fix it.
isabella kristan :: six years old
11 years ago